Friday, December 21, 2018

Homework: 12/21

English: No homework. Enjoy your vacation!

History: National History Day final project due 18 January 2019.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Homework: 12/20

English: Read your O.R. book for 20 minutes. You must finish your book by 7 January 2019. You will be completing as assessment on it.

History: National History Day final project due 18 January 2019.

Math and Science:  none

Early Release Day tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Homework: 12/19

English: Read your O.R. book for 20 minutes. You must finish your book by 7 January 2019. You will be completing as assessment on it.

History: National History Day final project due 18 January 2019.

Math and Science:  none

Wear "Holiday Gear" tomorrow!
Friday is an Early Release Day!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Homework: 12/18

English: Read your O.R. book for 20 minutes. You must finish your book by 7 January 2019. You will be completing as assessment on it.

History: National History Day final project due 18 January 2019.

Math:  Study Guide for Quiz tomorrow

Science:  none

STUCO Movie Night tomorrow after school!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Homework: 12/17

English: Read your O.R. book for 20 minutes. You must finish your book by 7 January 2019. You will be completing as assessment on it.

History: National History Day final project due 18 January 2019.

Math:  WS: 6-1 Ratios (back of Classwork!)

Science:  finish CW sheets (3 of them....  Rocky Planets, Gas Giant Planets, and Crossword) if not done in class

Friday, December 14, 2018

Homework: 12/14

All Academic Subjects: No homework... enjoy your weekend!

Please ask Santa for 
new pencils for Christmas!

Beauty and the Beast starts tonight!
STUCO Movie event (The Grinch)  will be 

next Wednesday, 12/19, after school

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Homework: 12/13

English: "All Summer in a Day" Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow.

History: NHD Final Project due 18 January 2019.

Math:  Ratios/Ratios Three Ways WS (2 sides)

Science:  What is the International Space Station?  reading packet

Beauty and the Beast starts on Friday!
STUCO Movie event (The Grinch)  will be 
next Wednesday, 12/19, after school

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Homework: 12/12

History: Find a U.S. news article and write a summary about it.

- "All Summer in a Day" Vocabulary Quiz this Friday.
- Read your O.R. book for 20 minutes.

Math:  "What is a Ratio?" WS (back of CW today)

Science:  none

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Homework: 12/11

History: Why do we know so much about certain pharaohs and not as much about others? Write 6 sentences.

English: "All Summer in a Day" Vocabulary Quiz on Friday

Math:  Check Google Classroom for HW:
  1. Short Khan Academy video
  2. TenMarks assignment:  6.RP.1 "Representing Ratios"
Science:  The Hubble Space Telescope reading (2 sides)

Beauty and the Beast starts on Friday!
STUCO Movie event (The Grinch)  will be 
next Wednesday, 12/19, after school

Monday, December 10, 2018

Homework: 12/10

History: Find an international news article on the Read it and write a summary. A summary is a brief description of what you learned.

- Read O.R. book for 20 minutes.
- Bring in flashcards for tomorrow.

Math:  STUDY for Unit 2 TEST tomorrow!!!  Module 5 Mixed Review p. 136 is due tomorrow.

Science:  none

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Homework: 12/6

All classes: No homework

**The Holiday Fair is TOMORROW. Please bring in spending money for the activities.**

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Homework: 12/5

History: What is an empire? What does it do? Write 6 sentences.

English: Complete "Writing Focus" of "All Summer in a Day" on page 161 on Google Classroom.

Math:  Finish/study Practice Quiz for QUIZ TOMORROW!

Science:  none

**The Holiday Fair is Friday. Please bring in spending money for the activities.**

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Homework: 12/4

English: What is the climax of "All Summer in a Day"? Explain your answer.

History: Complete the CommonLit assignment "Developing Civilization in Egypt."

**The Holiday Fair is this Friday. Please bring in spending money for the activities.**

Monday, December 3, 2018

Homework: 12/3

English: Complete the CommonLit questions for "Sound of Thunder."

History: Vocabulary Builder #2 on Google Classroom

Math: Dividing sheet (2 sides).  See Khan video for help!

Science:  none

WMS Band Winter Concert Thursday night in the auditorium
Admission is FREE 

**The Holiday Fair is this Friday. Please bring in spending money for the activities.**

Last Full Week!

Hello Tigers! We've almost made it through this crazy year!  Mr. Beckvold and I hope to see you all at one or more of the Office Hours ...