Monday, March 16, 2020

Homework: 16 March - 6 April 2020

Hi Tigers,

PLEASE listen to the adults around you and the experts who tell us to practice social distancing at this time.  Let's work together to "flatten the curve" so that our medical needs can be met if necessary.  We hope to see you very very soon!  Stay safe!

Your learning should not stop just because school is out for a while!  😊 Here is a list of resources that you can use to keep current with your skills in History, English, Math, and Science. Feel free to go through them.

1. Check out the Ancient Civilizations and English Google Classroom pages.
2. Check out Newsela. We have already synced through Google Classroom. Use your school login information.

3. Try to read your O.R. book for 20 minutes each day.

4. Check out your Science Google Classroom for an interesting article about a star that was recently discovered.  Ms. Foley will add to the Google Classroom during the next few days.

5. You know what to do for Math!  😉 Ms. Foley will send more detailed information soon.  Check here and on the Google Classroom.

Take care,
Mr. Beckvold & Ms. D. Foley

History IXL:
English IXL:
Math IXL:,
Science IXL:


  1. what letters do you want us doing on math ixl?

  2. Hi Ryan -- anything that is starred for now. If you are finished with all the stars, then go to recommendations, change the feed to just Math questions by clicking on a blue pyramid under one of the Math questions, and you're "off to the races." <3

  3. Is there anything specific for us to do in the science because we have already finsihed the Astrology unit?

    1. Hi Mackenzie - I hope you are well!
      We have published Science work on the Google Classroom for this week. I'm sorry that I did not see your question last week. I hope there's enough to keep you engaged now.
      Take care of yourself!
      Ms. Foley


Last Full Week!

Hello Tigers! We've almost made it through this crazy year!  Mr. Beckvold and I hope to see you all at one or more of the Office Hours ...