Monday, March 23, 2020

Learning Opportunities coming to the Tiger Team!

Image result for tiger on couch
Hello Tigers!  Get off the couch!!!  🤣😼
We hope you and your families are all safe at home!
Beginning this week, the Middle School teachers will be providing Learning Opportunities for our students.  These Learning Opportunities will be posted on each subject's Google Classroom, even for your Specials!  They should provide you with an activity to do each day for each subject.  So please check each Google Classroom for more information starting tomorrow!

For today (Monday), we think it would be a good idea to check all your website subscriptions to make sure you can log in to them at home.  A list of them is below.  If we have forgotten any specific websites, we will add them later.  Let us know if you can think of one that didn't make the list!  :)  Also, please let us know if you have any trouble logging in.  We can help!

We trust that you and your parents all have read Mr. Curley's weekly email and also Mrs. Howard's (the superintendent) messages.  There are some great suggestions about how to break up your day so that you are being productive and engaged.  Here is a link to the newsletter that has a great sample schedule for you and your family to follow. (Once you open it, click "view" and "zoom" to enlarge it.)  Let's let the learning continue!

Finally, here is a list of ADDITIONAL free resources that was published by the superintendent to use for more learning if you are motivated! 

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Last Full Week!

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